
PS Converted-Wave Processing

Using 3C data acquired in the field, PS Converted-Wave Processing provides additional value to existing P-wave products. This includes shear-wave splitting analysis to detect localized fracture orientation and strength, and Γ (gamma) estimation, which is valuable in determining lithology and fluid content.

PS Processing Products

  • Kirchhoff Converted-Wave Prestack Time Migration
  • Shear-Wave Splitting Analysis
  • Γeff and Γ0 volumes
Shear-wave splitting time delay overlaid with azimuth vectors

Maps of shear-wave splitting time delay (fast – slow) and azimuth (fast direction).

Before Correction
After Correction

Azimuthally-sorted radial supergathers from PS-data before and after shear-wave splitting correction.

PS Stack
PP Stack

PS and PP migrated stacks.